When requesting an Item, use the requestJSON to pass the Item data. The response that is returned will contain a responseJSON section which has the Item response returned by Breadwinner for NetSuite.
assemblyItem |
descriptionItem |
discountItem |
inventoryItem |
itemGroup |
kitItem |
lotNumberedAssemblyItem |
lotNumberedInventoryItem |
markupItem |
nonInventoryPurchaseItem |
nonInventoryResaleItem |
nonInventorySaleItem |
otherChargePurchaseItem |
otherChargeSaleItem |
paymentItem |
serializedAssemblyItem |
serializedInventoryItem |
servicePurchaseItem |
serviceResaleItem |
serviceSaleItem |
subtotalItem |
The Item object has the following parameters.
Field Name | Data Type | Description |
salesforceID | ID | Read-Only field, provides the Salesforce Record ID upon successful creation or updation in Salesforce. |
account | Internal ID of the Account. | |
assetAccount | Internal ID of the Asset Account. | |
classification | Internal ID of the Class. | |
cogsAccount | Internal ID of the COGs Account. | |
cost | Double | Purchase Price |
currencyValue | String | Read-Only field |
createdDate | Long | |
customFieldList | Custom fields and their values. | |
customForm | Internal ID of the Custom Form. | |
department | Internal ID of the Department. | |
description | String |
displayName | String | |
expenseAccount | Internal ID of the Expense Account. | |
externalId | | |
handlingCost | Double |
includeChildren | Boolean |
incomeAccount | Internal ID of the Income Account. | |
internalId | String | Unique ID that NetSuite holds. It is required during the update of a Record. |
isInactive | Boolean |
itemId* | String | Item Name |
itemType* | String | Item Type. Please see the possible Item Types |
lastModifiedDate | Long | Read-Only field and the Date is returned as a Unix timestamp in seconds. |
location | Internal ID of the Location. | |
maximumQuantity | Double | Given when isPerson is set to TRUE |
memberList | List of Items in the Kit Item or Item Group | |
minimumQuantity | Double |
overallQuantityPricingType | String | |
parent | Internal ID of the Parent Item. | |
preferredLocation | Internal ID of the Location. | |
pricingGroup | Internal ID of the Pricing Group. | |
purchaseDescription | String | |
quantityPricingSchedule | Internal ID of the Quantity Pricing Schedule | |
rate | String | |
salesDescription | String | |
shippingCost | Double | |
subsidiaryList | List of Subsidiaries | |
taxSchedule* | String | Internal ID of Tax Schedule |
unitsType | Internal ID of Units Type. | |
upcCode | String | |
useMarginalRates | Boolean | |
Field Name | Data Type | Description |
itemMember | ItemMemberDetail[] | Item Member List |
Field Name | Data Type | Description |
item | Internal ID of Item |
Field Name | Data Type | Description |
recordRef | List of Subsidiary Internal IDs |