Custom Fields

Manual Creation in Salesforce


Manually Creating NetSuite Custom Fields in Salesforce.

You can always use the Breadwinner-provided Custom Fields creation Wizard, but if the fields are unavailable for some reason, you can manually create them using the following process.

For this example, we will add the revenue field to the NetSuite Sales Order (in Salesforce).

To start, go to Salesforce Setup > Object Manager. And then go to the object in question. NetSuite Sales Order (in our use case). On the NetSuite side, the API name of the Revenue field (String/Text data type) will be called custbody_revenue.

All NetSuite custom fields will start with custXXXX_ where XXXX refers to "entity", column", or "body", depending on the type of object.

You would create a text field in Salesforce on the NetSuite Sales Order with a Field Name of ncf_body_revenue__c

The Field Label can be whatever you want, though we recommend you call it the same as what is in NetSuite for consistency.

This custom field will automatically be added to your page layouts. The field value will populate upon clicking "Restart Sales Order Sync" (or respective NetSuite Object sync) in the Troubleshooting area of the Breadwinner tab.

The above example may help, but here are the formal rules:

  • The Field Label can be anything, though we recommend the same Field Label as in NetSuite
  • Field Name must start with ncf_
  • The prefix ncf_ will replace cust in the NetSuite API Name
  • The rest of the Field Name is the NetSuite API Name minus cust

Data Types

We only support the following NetSuite data types. Take a look at what should be the data type of the respective Salesforce Field

NetSuite Data Types

Salesforce Data Type

Free Form Text


Long Text, Text Area




List Record


Check Box




Date Time


Currency, Percent


Integer Number, Decimal Number


Email Address


Please try to avoid creating custom Formula Fields.

Example Screenshots

When creating the field in Salesforce, your Field Label and Field Name will look similar to this.

Document image

When that field has been created, you will be able to see it similar to this:

Document image

Updated 29 Jul 2024
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