Breadwinner for NetSuite is a powerful tool and is also unlike many other integrations between Salesforce and NetSuite.
These onboarding videos are here to help you get up to speed on Breadwinner. They are designed for Salesforce Admins & Developers, Salesforce Consultants, and Partners.
They are meant to be watched in order.
Watch this to understand how NetSuite Data flows into Salesforce via Breawdinner.
The second video in the Onboarding video series for Breadwinner for NetSuite, showing how to Create, Edit and Delete NetSuite data from within Salesforce. Specifically, this covers the use of the User Interface & Guided Wizard, and also covers the API (automation via Flows and Apex)
The third video in the Onboarding video series for Breadwinner for NetSuite, explaining the creation of NetSuite Recods using the Guided Wizard.
The fourth video in the Onboarding video series for Breadwinner for NetSuite, this covers NetSuite and Salesforce Custom fields.
- Pulling data in NetSuite Custom Fields into Salesforce
- Writing to NetSuite Custom FIelds (Guided Wizard)
- Pulling NetSuite Custom Objects into Salesforce
- Writing to NetSuite Custom Objects
- Salesforce Custom Fields & Objects - Guided Wizard
- Salesforce Custom Fields & Objects - API
The fifth video in the Onboarding video series for Breadwinner for NetSuite, this covers matching NetSuite Customers/Vendors (saved in Salesforce as NetSuite Companies) with Salesforce Accounts.
NetSuite Companies have an optional lookup to the Salesforce Account, and this lookup determines the matching relationship (and also allows one-to-many relationships between Accounts and Companies).
Also covered is the matching between NetSuite Items and Salesforce Products, which are children of the NetSuite Item. This relationship allows formula fields on the SF Product to pull in information from the replicated NetSuite Item.