Transaction PDF
When requesting a Transaction PDF, use the requestJSON to pass the required transaction details, and the response will have responseJSON which stores the PDF response returned by NetSuite.
The requestJSON has the following parameters.
Field Name | Data Type | Description |
tranType | string | Pass the supported transaction type |
tranId | string | Internal Id of the Transaction |
templateId | string | Template Id of the PDF format stored in the NetSuite File Cabinet |
requestURL | string | External URL of the Script Deployed |
| | |
Go through the following help article to generate the templateId and requestURL:
Supported Transactions Types:
- estimate
- salesOrder
- invoice
- creditMemo
- cashSale
- cashRefund
- customerPayment
- returnAuthorization
- itemFulfillment
- purchaseOrder
- vendorBill
- vendorCredit
- vendorPayment
- vendorReturnAuthorization
- expenseReport
- check
Example to get the Invoice PDF (in a Blob content):
Use the response to Download the PDF of the transaction. Either we can write some javascript to download the blob content or use the Salesforce Attachment object or a combination of both.