Guided Wizard
Create Subscription

Create Subscription - Square


Enter Subscription details

You will now be asked to enter the Subscription details:

  1. Billing Method
    • You can choose an existing Payment Method from the Customer to charge or
    • You can also choose the Email Invoice option. To email an Invoice, the selected Customer must have a valid email. This will trigger the Square processor to email the invoice to the customer.
  2. Pricing
    • You can add only Plan type BWP Products (Termed as Plans in Square) as line items
    • If you go through the Product matching process, which links Salesforce Products to the Breadwinner products. If any of those Salesforce products are added to the opportunity, if you are creating this from an opportunity, it will display in the list. Any products not matched will be left off the subscription.
    • Salesforce Products that have not been matched will be skipped
  3. Set Start Date for the Subscription or add free trial days
    • By default, the Subscription start date is set to today's date. You can set the start date to any future date.

Create Subscriotion page
Create Subscriotion page

Using the above details, two types of subscriptions can be created. Active subscription

  • A subscription with a current start date is considered active, and the customer can be charged immediately or receive the invoice via email
  • After confirming the subscription details, click the "Create Subscription" button to initiate the subscription creation

Scheduled Subscription

  • A subscription with a future start date is considered as scheduled, and the customer can only be charged on the invoice date or receive the invoice via email.
  • After confirming the subscription details, click the "Schedule Subscription" button to initiate the subscription creation

Breadwinner will push the subscription to your Square processor in real-time and automatically sync it back to Salesforce.

After creating the Subscription

The new Subscription can be reviewed after the update is successful.

Square doesn't allow automatic syncing of related invoices while creating the subscription, so you need to click on the Refresh Subscription button to sync the related Invoices.

Subscription information page
Subscription information page