Custom Guided Wizard



Breadwinner was designed to create Transactions (Payments, Subscriptions, and Invoices) from Accounts or Contacts without any configuration.

However, you may wish to create Transactions from other objects, perhaps an ISV App or your own custom objects. There is virtually no restriction to how you might approach this, other than that the Transaction must be linked to an Account or Contact (through either a formula or lookup) and the record the Transaction originates from.


A surprisingly common request is to populate fields that do not exist in the Payment Processor. For obvious reasons, we cannot populate fields that don’t exist.

You cannot pull data from two or more fields into a single field, but you can achieve this by using a Formula Field that concatenates those two fields. This is why we strongly recommend you pull data from Formula Fields (compared to user-populated fields). Formula Fields have the advantage of combining two or more fields, pulling data from parent records, or using logic to populate different information based on other fields.


The Breadwinner Payments Object (typically either the Invoice, Subscription, or Transaction) must have a lookup to the Originating Object. For instance, if you are creating an Invoice from Orders, you will need to create a lookup field in the BWP Invoice object in Salesforce to the Order Object. And we strongly recommend you add the relevant related list to that Object’s page layout.

The Originating Object will need either a direct Lookup to an Account or Contact (either via a lookup or master/detail) or a Formula Field of the Salesforce Account or Contact you wish the Transactions to be created under.