ERD / Object Structure
Breadwinner is designed to be enhanced by developers. We provide Stripe, Braintree, and Square data in native and custom Salesforce objects. You can further add formulas, Apex roll-ups, workflow, and triggers.
Breadwinner consists of a number of objects that perfectly reflect the Stripe objects and data structure.
Specifically, we replicate (as slave data, in a Read-Only manner):
- BWP Customer
- BWP Payment Method (representing credit cards and bank accounts)
- BWP Transaction (representing both payments, refunds, and pre-payments from a Stripe Customer)
- BWP Subscription
- BWP Invoice
- BWP Line Item (a lookup record under BWP Subscription and BWP Invoice, reflecting Subscription Items and Invoice Items)
- BWP Product
- BWP Price (a lookup record under BWP Product, reflecting Prices)
- BWP Price Tier (a master-detail record under BWP Price, reflecting Price Tiers)
- BWP Coupon (a lookup record under BWP Subscription and BWP Invoice, reflecting Coupons)

Click the image to see the full-sized ERD for Breadwinner Payments
All of the above data is designed to be accessed securely. For financial security, edits or changes to the data in Salesforce will not be written back to Stripe/Braintree/Square. Also, those changes to Salesforce records will be overwritten weekly with the master data in Stripe/Braintree/Square.
Creating or editing data in Stripe/Braintree/Square is possible with Breadwinner. However, for data integrity and financial controls, all data written to or edited in Stripe/Braintree/Square must be done via our Guided Creation Wizard or via our exposed API methods.