Transaction Level Fields
While you only need two query strings on the URL, you will most likely want to specify a number of Invoice level fields, such as the Invoice Date, Due Date, etc.
You can optionally populate the Invoice Date and/or the Due Date, using a Date field (or a Date/ Time field, from which we will obtain the date). A Formula field with a Date or Date/Time field type will also work.
If you leave the Invoice Date blank, Breadwinner will populate the Invoice Date with today’s date.
If you leave the Due Date blank, Breadwinner will check to see if the corresponding customer record in your accounting system has invoice terms specified (this must be set in your accounting system, not in Breadwinner). If the corresponding customer record does not have invoice terms specified, Breadwinner will use the Breadwinner-wide default payment terms as specified in the Breadwinner tab under Optional Settings. If those settings are also blank, then Breadwinner will leave the Due Date blank.
QuickBooks Online has up to three Custom Fields, an optional Location field, and an optional Classes field (QBO Classes, if enabled, are set for the Invoice OR Line Items, but not both). To use custom fields in Breadwinner for Quickbooks you must first create custom fields in QBO.
Please note that the Location field and Class field in QBO is a picklist type, so you must populate it with a value that already exists in QBO. If the value you specify does not match the QBO value, case-sensitive, we will ignore that query string.
You can also set the Invoice Number by enabling Custom Transaction Numbers (which is applicable for all API integrations with your QuickBooks org).
Alternatively, if you want the Transaction Number to be auto-determined by QuickBooks then it is mandatory to turn off the Custom Transaction Number in QuickBooks. Refer to this help article provided by Breadwinner to know how to turn off Custom Transaction Number.
The Invoice Tax Code is available only for the QuickBooks US Orgs. You can optionally populate the Invoice Tax Code using the Originating object’s field. If you pass the field API name to the invoice_taxcode_field param, Breadwinner will show this field value on the Invoice Tax Code while creating the Invoice.
You can optionally populate the Invoice Term using the originating object’s field. If you pass the field API name to the invoice_term param, Breadwinner will show this field value on the Invoice Term while creating the Invoice. The salesforce custom field you create on originating object can have values for example Net 10, Net 15, Net 30, Net 60 etc.