Advanced Topics

Batch Invoicing


Batch Invoicing allows you to create a single Invoice or multiple Invoices at a time from Opportunities.

With Batch Invoicing, users can create Draft Invoices only. It is not possible to create Approved Invoices through this feature.


  1. Batch Invoicing is available for the Breadwinner "Business" plan. Please contact Breadwinner Support if you want the feature.
  2. To create Invoices from Opportunity using the Batch Invoicing process, Opportunity must have an associated Account and associated Products.

Batch Invoicing Process:

  1. To start the Batch Invoicing process, go to the Batch Invoicing section in the Breadwinner Tab.

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2. Users apply the filters to filter out Opportunities for which you wish to create Invoices. Here we have filtered the Opportunities whose Stage Name was “Prospecting”.

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3. After applying the filters, you have to select the “Search” button, and then it will show the Opportunities based on your filters like in the below screenshot.

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4. Next is the selection of the Opportunity or Opportunities from the list for which the user wants to create the Invoices, and then select “Proceed”.

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5. If there are no Xero Contacts associated with the selected Opportunity then Breadwinner will display the “Create Xero Contact(s)” button to create the Xero Contact.

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Note: Only Opportunities with a single Xero Contact can be used for Batch Invoicing. If Opportunities are associated with more than one Xero Contact, the user will receive the error message below.

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6. If the Opportunity is associated with a single Xero Contact, then the user will be redirected to the below page. Invoice Line Items will be created according to the Invoice Configuration setup.

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7. By clicking on “Next," the user will be redirected to the below screenshot. If the user wants to update the Opportunity Stage after creating the Invoice, then they can select the new Stage Name, like in the below screenshot "Qualification" is selected.

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8. By selecting “Create Invoice(s),” the Invoice(s) will be created, and the Opportunity Stage Name will be updated. By clicking on the displayed Invoice link, the user can go to the Invoice page.

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