In Xero, the "Invoice" object includes Invoices, Bills.
When requesting an Invoice, use the requestJSON to pass the Invoice data, and the response will have responseJSON which stores the Invoices response returned by Xero.
The Invoice object has the following parameters.
Field Name | Data Type | Description |
Type | String | Represents whether the record is Invoice (ACCREC) or Bill (ACCPAY) |
Contact | Contact | The ID (Unique Xero ID) for the referenced customer |
DateString | String | Date Invoice was issued |
DueDateString | String | Date Invoice is due |
Status | String | Status of the Invoice |
LineAmountTypes | String | Type of Amounts like Tax "Exclusive", "Inclusive" and "NoTax" |
LineItems | LineItem | Individual line items of a transaction |
SubTotal | Decimal | Total of Invoice excluding taxes |
TotalTax | Decimal | Total tax on Invoice |
Total | Decimal | Total of Invoice tax inclusive (i.e. SubTotal + TotalTax) |
CurrencyCode | String | The currency that Invoice has been raised in |
CurrencyRate | Decimal | The currency rate for a multicurrency Invoice |
InvoiceID | String | Read-Only; Unique identifier generated by Xero |
InvoiceNumber | String | ACCREC - Unique alpha numeric code identifying invoice (printable ASCII characters only) ACCPAY - non-unique alpha numeric code identifying invoice (printable ASCII characters only). This value will also display as Reference in the UI for ACCPAY. |
Reference | String | ACCREC only - additional reference number |
BrandingThemeID | String | |
Payments | Payment | Details of Payments that have been applied to an Invoice |
CreditNotes | Details of credit notes that have been applied to an Invoice | |
AmountDue | Decimal | Amount remaining to be paid on Invoice |
AmountPaid | Decimal | Sum of payments received for Invoice |
AmountCredited | Decimal | Sum of all credit notes, over-payments and pre-payments applied to an Invoice |
Salesforce_Account_Id | String | To link the Invoice with the Salesforce Account |
Salesforce_Opportunity_Id | String | To link the Invoice with the Salesforce Opportunity |
| Boolean | To send the Invoice via email after creating it |
Field Name | Data Type | Description |
ItemCode | String | Code of the Product |
Description | String | Description of the line item |
TaxType | String | Used as an override if the default Tax Code for the selected AccountCode is not correct |
AccountCode | String | |
LineItemID | String | The Xero generated identifier for a LineItem |
UnitAmount | Decimal | Lineitem unit amount |
TaxAmount | Decimal | The tax amount is auto calculated as a percentage of the line amount based on the tax rate |
LineAmount | Decimal | The line amount reflects the discounted price if a DiscountRate has been used i.e LineAmount = Quantity * Unit Amount * ((100 - DiscountRate)/100) |
Quantity | Decimal | LineItem Quantity |
DiscountRate | Decimal | Percentage discount being applied to a line item. Only supported on ACCREC invoices - ACCPAY invoices |
Tracking | List<TrackingCategory> | Section for optional Tracking Category. Any LineItem can have a maximum of 2 TrackingCategories. |
Field Name | Data Type | Description |
PaymentID | String | |
PaymentDate | Date | |
DateVariable | String | |
Reference | String | |
Amount | Decimal | |
CurrencyRate | Decimal | |
HasAccount | Boolean | |
Field Name | Data Type | Description |
CreditNoteID | String | |
CreditNoteNumber | String | |
ID | String | |
DateString | String | |
DateVariable | String | |
AppliedAmount | Decimal | |
Total | Decimal | |
Field Name | Data Type | Description |
Name | String | The name of the tracking category e.g. Department, Region |
Option | String | Name of the option (required) |
TrackingCategoryID | String | The Xero identifier for a tracking option e.g. ae777a87-5ef3-4fa0-a4f0-d10e1f13073a |