When requesting a Payment, use the requestJSON to pass the Payment data, and the response will have responseJSON which stores the Payments response returned by Xero.
The Payment object has the following parameters.
Field Name | Data Type | Description |
Date | Date | Date the payment is being made |
CurrencyRate | String | Date payment was issued |
Amount | Decimal | Date payment was issued |
Reference | String | An optional description for the payment e.g. Direct Debit |
IsReconciled | Boolean | |
Status | String | Payment status |
PaymentType | String | Type of Payment |
UpdatedDateUTC | String | |
BatchPaymentID | String | |
BatchPayment | BatchPaymentWrapper | |
Account | AccountWrapper | |
Invoice | @Invoice | |
CreditNote | CreditNoteWrapper | |
FieldName | Data Type | Description |
Account | AccountWrapper | |
BatchPaymentID | String | |
Date | String | |
Type | String | |
Status | String | |
TotalAmount | Decimal | |
UpdatedDateUTC | String | |
IsReconciled | Boolean | |
Field Name | Data Type | Description |
AccountID | String | |
Code | String | |
Field Name | Data Type | Description |
CreditNoteID | String | |
ID | String | |
CreditNoteNumber | String | |
Date | String | |
DateString | String | |
Payments | Payment | |
Total | Decimal | |
RemainingCredit | Decimal | |