Technical Resources
Sync Documentation
- Breadwinner will start syncing the data after a successful connection with Xero. Data sync occurs in the following Order.
- Xero Metadata: Branding Themes, Revenue Accounts, Tax Rates, Tracking Categories and associated Category Options, Currencies
- Xero Contacts
- Invoices
- Bills - Only if enabled
- Purchase Orders - Only if enabled
- Credit Notes
- Payments
- This Sync is scheduled every 13 minutes.
- This Sync fetches the data from Xero, which were modified within the scheduled 28-minute time period.
- This will sync the same as the initial sync (see above).
- Performs the auto-match for Xero contacts based on the Xero Contact configuration (see below).
- Associate Invoices with Opportunities or Orders based on the Invoice Auto Mapping feature (see below).
- Update Account and Opportunity RollUps (see below).
Records marked as "archived" in Xero will get marked as "archived" in Salesforce during this process.
- This Sync runs every Friday at 11 PM (the Salesforce User’s Time Zone determines the time)
- This is identical to the Initial sync but runs weekly.
- Performs the auto-match for Xero contacts based on the Xero Contact configuration (see below).
- Associate Invoices with Opportunities or Orders based on the Invoice Auto Mapping feature (see below).
- Update Account and Opportunity RollUps (see below).
- Breadwinner will sync data every day around 2 AM (Runs in Salesforce User’s Time Zone)
- Syncs Xero Metadata: Branding Themes, Revenue Accounts, Tax Rates, Tracking Categories and associated Category Options, Currencies
- Update Account and Opportunity RollUps (see below).

These buttons are used to sync records manually. This can be used if data is missing during the regular, automatic syncs.
Records are synced in the following order
- Invoice / Bill Sync:
- It syncs all Invoices by default along with their Payments, but if the “Sync Invoices with a specific Prefix” is configured, it syncs Invoices whose Invoice number starts with only those Invoices.
- Bills are enabled; it will sync Bills too.
- Syncs the Xero Contacts of those Invoices or bills if they are not already present in Salesforce.
- Performs the auto-match for those Xero contacts based on the Xero Contact configuration.
- Associate Invoices with Opportunities or Orders based on the Invoice Auto Mapping feature.
- Update Rollups for Account and Opportunity based on the setting mentioned above
- Purchase Order Sync:
- It syncs purchase orders, but only if POs are enabled in the setup.
- Sync Xero Contacts of those POs if they are not already present in Salesforce.
- Performs the auto-match for those Xero contacts based on the Xero Contact Configuration.
- Associates Invoices with Opportunities or Orders based on the Invoice Auto Mapping feature.
- Credit Note Sync:
- Sync CreditNotes.
- Sync Xero Contacts of those Credit Notes if they are not already present in Salesforce.
- Performs the auto-match for those Xero contacts based on the Xero Contact Configuration.
- Associates Invoices with Opportunities or orders based on the Invoice Auto Mapping feature.
- Update Rollups for Account and Opportunity based on the setting mentioned above
- This synchronization can also be manually initiated using the "Restart Invoice Sync" button (see button number 1 in the appendix)
- This will only run if no other syncs are currently running.
- It will sync Xero Contact associated with invoices. If Bills or POs are enabled, it also syncs those associated Xero Contacts.
- Runs the “Restart Invoice Sync” above.
- This synchronization can also be manually initiated using the "Restart Xero Contact Sync" button (see button number 2 in the appendix)
- This will initiate the Regular Sync (see above)
- Calculates the Rollups in the below order
- Opportunities with any one of the Rollup field values greater than “zero” but no Invoices associated with it, then it will update those Opportunity Rollups fields with a “0.00”
- For accounts with any one of the above Rollup field values greater than “zero” but no Invoices associated with it, then we will update those Account Rollups fields with a “0.00”
- Update the Rollups on Accounts and Opportunities with Invoices associated with them based on the “Invoice Rollup Type” mentioned in the Invoice Configuration.
These rollups will not run if the “Invoice Rollup Type” is set to “Do Not Calculate Rollups.”
The “Invoice Rollup Type” setting can be found on the Breadwinner Setup page under Setup -> Configuration -> Invoices -> Advanced Settings.
- This syncs the Metadata in the below order
- Branding Themes
- Revenue Accounts
- Tax Rates
- Tracking Categories and associated Category Options
- Currencies
Updated 05 Dec 2023
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