Version History
- Refreshed sandboxes will now mirror the Production Breadwinner subscription details. This means the sandbox will have the same 'add-ons' and expiration date as the production subscription.
- Addressed an issue related to custom profiles that arose due to recent changes in Salesforce.
- Fixed the Supplier Account CURL error for the Custom Object.
- Internal release.
- The Breadwinner Invoice line items have been aligned to match the order of the Xero Invoice record.
- The Breadwinner Invoice record page now shows credit note records associated with the invoice. A new field, "Bread_Winner__Type__c," was added to the "Bread_winner_Payment__c" object.
- Bug fix: Technical Error in new email Invoice feature of global API.
- Internal Release
- Bug fix: Issue when the user enters an ID value in the "Parent Account" field of a custom URL button.
- Internal Release
- Bug fix: Issue with ACCOUNT MATCH feature in Xero Contact Configuration. Resolved the 'duplicate field selected' error.
- Bug fix: 'Too many DML rows: 10001' exception while Tracking Categories record sync. Previously we were deleting all Accounting records and reinserting it back to Salesforce. Now, except for Currencies and Tax Rates, we are storing the Unique IDs of all Accounting records (Branding themes, Account Code, Tracking Category) in the new field "Reference ID" created in Salesforce.
- Added create and send the Invoice via email in the Global API feature. In order to send a Xero Invoice via email after successful creation, use the 'emailInvoice' parameter in the 'requestJSON' section of the code provided for creating an Invoice.
- Bug fix: An error while re-parenting a Xero Contact on the Create Xero Contact page from the "Search for another Xero Contact" link.
- Showing Invoice DML Exception on the UI itself while creating an Invoice.
- Fixed issue happening while Reparenting Xero Contact on the Create Xero Contact page.
- Updated error message when creating a Xero contact that already exists in Xero.
- Handled the "Amounts are" field via the Custom Guided Wizard feature. Now, using the Custom Guided Wizard feature, you can map the 'Amounts are' (Tax Treatment) field while creating the Invoice.
- Bug fix: Fixed a permission issue for the "Send Invoice" and "Download Invoice" options when the user had the 'Breadwinner Read Only' permission set assigned.
- Restricted the multiple records creation in a single request from Global API. Previously using the Global API feature, Breadwinner allowed the creation of many Invoices per request, but now Breadwinner is restricting that to one Invoice per request.
- Bug fix: Invoice Sync issue caused by enabling "Set Audit Fields upon Record Creation" and "Update Records with Inactive Owners" User Permissions in the User Interface from Salesforce setup.
- Updated Unitdp (decimal values) configuration for Request URL, the user can send either 2 or 4 decimal values from Salesforce to Xero.
- Fixed the issue that happened on multiple 'connection' tab clicks.
- Internal Release
- Bug fix: Xero Contacts not syncing when the Auto match is found with Person Account Email.
- Created Email Invoice Global API feature to send the Invoice via email by passing the Invoice ID.
- The "Sync Invoices with Specific Prefix" feature was added to the Invoice configuration page. This feature will only sync the Invoices with the specific prefix mentioned in the newly created configuration. By default, Breadwinner syncs all the Invoices from Xero to Breadwinner. You can enter multiple Invoice prefixes separated by a 'Comma,' and Breadwinner will Sync only those Invoices.
- Bug fix: We handled the sync issue for Accounting record syncs (Account codes, Tracking Categories, Currencies, and Tax Rates), which occurred when the Tracking category's values were more than 10,000.
- We have updated the Account Match feature in the Xero Contact configuration. Previously, when Breadwinner finds a Xero Contact, It compares the Xero Contact name with the Salesforce Account name to determine if it should be auto-matched. Now, the user can also use other custom fields to match the Salesforce Account and Xero Contact.
- Bug fix: An error is thrown during the Bill creation.
- Allow Partial Invoice from Batch Invoicing tool.
- Breadwinner is now providing Item creation using Salesforce's Global API feature. It will create the item in Xero and sync it back to Salesforce.
- Bug fix: We made changes to the Regular sync to handle a large amount of data coming in. Occasional Apex CPU time limit exceeded errors were occurring.
- Internal Release
- Bug Fix: Fixed the 'List index out of the box' error showing for non-admin users while creating the Invoice.
- Bug Fix: Fixed the Attempt to de-reference null object error in Regular sync.
- Bug Fix: Added Blank/None Option on Xero Org picklist on Xero Contact Creation.
- Use our own Global API: Read Item when importing items from Xero
- Bug: Tracking Category was not displaying on the Line Item tables when there were over 1,000 entries
- Bug: Contacts marked as "Do Not Include in Emails" were showing up in the CC List on the Send Email page
- Adds option to tell Xero to send out the invoice after it has been created
- Speeds up load time on the Breadwinner Setup page
- Global API: Download Invoice
- Adds ability to limit which users show up in the CC list based of the user license type during the Send Email as PDF process. (Example: you can exclude Chatter or Community users from showing in the drop down)
- Adds ability to push Shipping Address information into Xero during the Guided Wizard Xero Contact creation
- Speeds up load time on the Breadwinner Setup page
- Global API: Link invoices to Salesforce Accounts and Opportunities
- Number will display on the Create invoice page base on the user's locale
- Internal changes
- Improvements to the Breadwinner Setup page load time.
- Bug: Fixed race condition that sometimes happened during the initial install process
- Bug: Fixed UI issues on the Setup page for the "Free" plan
- Adds ability to lock all line items fields, making them read-only, when creating an invoice
- Batch Invoicing enhancement: Added ability to filter the Opportunity records based on the Opportunity Custom field.
- Bug: Fixed issue with retrieving Tracking Categories
- Bug: Rendendering issue when creating addition contacts after clicking the 'Create Xero Contact' button
- Bug: Exception occurred during the import item process if there was no Product name or Unit Price
- Fixed cosmetic issue on Breadwinner Setup page
- Bug: Xero payments were not immediately synching after the Global API "createPayment" call.
- Bug: Fixes rendering issue on the Permission menu option.
- Bug: Checks to make sure user has proper permissions before allowing them to create invoices
- Can now delete records from a disconnected org. This is helpful if you're refreshing a sandbox and have a separate sandbox for testing.
- Bug: Fixed issue with the Read-Only / Active toggle action
- Released Custom Apex Generator to help with automation
- Bug: Blank contacts were getting created during the edit process if the Xero Contact had only one additional contact.
- Bug: Invoices with more than 2 decimal places in the Quantity and Unit Price fields were getting rounded to 2 decimal places when passed into Xero.
- Bug: Due Date was not set correctly if the Sales Terms on the Contact was 0
- Breadwinner Setup page redesign
- TOOLS section is now visible to users with the BW Operations permission set
- Bugfix: "Company Status" in the account detail section now takes into account 'Credit Notes'
- Bugfix: "Go to Breadwinner" link from inside Xero disappeared. This brought it back
- Bugfix: "Delete" records option was not showing for some users
- Internal changes
- Global API for Payments (read, create, update)
- Global API for Invoices (read, create, update)
- Global API for Contacts (read, create, update)
- Bugfix: Creating an invoice would fail if you have too many line items.
- Bugfix: Total Amount Credited rollup value was including the 'Tax Amount' in all instances
- Internal changes
- Updated error message if the Xero Org connection was lost
- Adds option to delete Xero Metadata stored in Salesforce
- You can now populate the custom invoice number from the Order object
- You can see the Expense type Accounts on the Create Invoice page if you enable the setting on the Invoice Configuration section.
- Match invoices created in Xero to Salesforce orders based on a custom field mapping
- Adds ability to change the sort order of the line item on an Custom Guided Wizard Invoice
- Bugifx: Fixes issue with displaying line items on a blank invoice during the Custom Guided Wizard
- Adds "Company Name" as an option to pass into the Custom Guided Wizard