Common Data Types
There are some Data Types that are common across multiple object requests. We decided to compile those here instead of listing them as part of each request.
Field Name | Data Type | Description |
addressbook | |
replaceAll | Boolean | Replaces all addresses when set to TRUE while updating records |
Field Name | Data Type | Description |
addressbookAddress | AddressDetail | Address Info |
defaultBilling | Boolean | Sets the address as a default billing one. |
defaultShipping | Boolean | Sets the address as a default shipping one. |
internalId | String |
isResidential | Boolean |
label | String | |
Field Name | Data Type | Description |
addr1 | String | Address Line 1 |
addr2 | String | Address Line 2 |
addr3 | String | Address Line 3 |
addrPhone | String | Phone Number |
addressee | String |
attention | String |
city | String |
country | String | The country is a picklist field in NetSuite. So, please pass the accepted values in the specified format only. |
internalId | String | Internal ID of existing Address |
state | String | State/Province |
zip | String | |
Field Name | Data Type | Description |
currencyRecord | CurrencyDetail[] | List of Currencies |
Field Name | Data Type | Description |
currencyRecord | LookupRecord | Currency Info |
Field Name | Data Type | Description |
customField | CustomFieldInfo[] | List of CustomField Info |
Field Name | Data Type | Description |
fieldType* | String | Specifies the Data Type of a Custom field. Please refer to Custom Field Types for the different NetSuite data types and their fieldType value. |
internalId | String | InternalId of the Custom Field. |
scriptId* | String | Script ID of the Custom Field. |
value | String | Required and returned for all the custom fields other than “select” (fieldType) |
valueLookup | LookupRecord | Required and returned for the fieldType “select” |
Field Name | Data Type | Description |
Apply | Apply | Apply list |
replaceAll | Boolean | The default value for the replaceAll attribute is true. If true, NetSuite will replace all the Line Items with the new ones |
Field Name | Data Type | Description |
amount | Double | Specify the Amount that should be Applied |
apply | boolean | Specify true to apply the Amount else specify false |
applyDate | Long | Apply Date |
currencyValue | String | Currency Value |
doc | String | Specify the ID of the transaction to which Customer Payment has to be applied |
line | String | Line No. of the Apply List |
total | Double | Total Amount Applied |
Field Name | Data Type | Description |
externalId | String | Read-Only, returns the external Id of the Record selected. |
internalId* | String | Internal Id of the Record or List. |
name | String | Read-Only, returns the name of the Record selected. |
type | String | Read-Only |