The list and structure of a Custom URL with all possible fields, including those for Line Items that are drawn from Child Records, utilized is below.
Field | URL Param Name | Description |
Billing Schedule | billing_schedule | Internal ID of the Billing Schedule |
Class | class | Internal ID of the Class |
Currency | currency | Internal ID of the Currency |
Custom Form | custom_form | Internal ID of the Custom Form |
Date | date | Defaults to the current date |
Department | department | Internal ID of the Department |
Discount Item | discount_item | Internal ID of the Discount Item |
Discount Rate | discount_rate | To have the discount subtracted from your total, enter a negative currency amount (for example -10.00) or a negative percentage (for example -10%). |
Due Date | due_date |  |
Expected Close Date | expected_close_date |  |
External Id | external_id |  |
Location | location | Internal ID of the Location |
Memo | memo |  |
PO # | other_ref_num | Customer PO number |
Sales Rep | sales_rep | Internal ID of the Employee. You can't set this field when the Team Selling feature is enabled in NetSuite. |
Ship Method | ship_method | Internal ID of the Shipping Method |
Terms | terms | Internal ID of the Terms |
Bill To Address by Internal ID | bill_address_list | Select from Customer Addresses by Internal ID. Default to Customer Billing Address |
Ship To Address by Internal ID | ship_address_list | Select from Customer Addresses by Internal ID. Default to Customer Shipping Address |
Billing Addressee | billing_addressee |  |
Billing Attention | billing_attention |  |
Billing Address 1 | billing_addr1 | Limits to 150 characters |
Billing Address 2 | billing_addr2 | Limits to 150 characters |
Billing City | billing_city |  |
Billing State/Province | billing_state |  |
Billing Country | billing_country |  |
Billing Zip | billing_zip |  |
Shipping Attention | shipping_attention |  |
Shipping Addressee | shipping_addressee |  |
Shipping Address 1 | shipping_addr1 | Limits to 150 characters |
Shipping Address 2 | shipping_addr2 | Limits to 150 characters |
Shipping City | shipping_city |  |
Shipping State/Province | shipping_state |  |
Shipping Country | shipping_country |  |
Shipping Zip | shipping_zip |  |
Subsidiary | subsidiary | Internal ID of the Subsidiary. Pass the Customer related Subsidiary |
Field | URL Param Name | Description |
NetSuite Item | co_netsuite_item | Internal ID of the Item |
Description | co_description | Line item description |
Quantity | co_quantity |  |
Rate | co_rate |  |
Class | co_class | Internal ID of the Class |
Department | co_department | Internal ID of the Department |
Location | co_location_id | Internal ID of the Location |
Sort By | co_sort_by | Fetch the child records in a particular order |