Advanced Topics

Formula Fields


When replicating data from NetSuite into Salesforce, formula fields can present a challenge.

Breadwinner polls NetSuite regularly for changes made to any records based on the Last Modified date of records. So, a NetSuite record change will be reflected in your Salesforce org within minutes.

However, the Last Modified Date in NetSuite is calculated by NetSuite based on a change to the data on a record. If there is a change to a formula on that record but not a change to any actual fields on that record, then the Last Modified Date will not change. And in that situation, NetSuite will not provide those records to Breadwinner when we poll for recently changed records. This means that the data Breadwinner replicates from NetSuite into Salesforce count becomes outdated.

Please note this will not be an issue if the formula is based exclusively on fields on the actual record. In that case, changing the fields on the record will impact the Last Modified Date. However, for formulas that depend (in part, or entirely) on fields based on a different record, stale data can be an issue.

Workaround - Salesforce Formula

Where possible, create formulas in Salesforce that are calculated on Breadwinner's replicated NetSuite data in Salesforce. When the underlying data in NetSuite changes, Breadwinner will update the replicated data in Salesforce, and the Salesforce formula field will reflect accurate information.

Workaround - Trigger Record Update in NetSuite

Using an appropriate method, you can trigger an update of the NetSuite record when the formula changes. This may not always be possible or may require complicated automation. Please speak to your NetSuite Consultant, as this traditionally needs to take place exclusively in NetSuite based upon NetSuite automation.

If you do not have a NetSuite consultant, Breadwinner will gladly recommend one.