NetSuite Discounts
The way Salesforce approaches discounts and the way NetSuite approaches discounts is fundamentally different. As a result, every customer will need to carefully consider how it wants to approach discounting, and whether they want to adopt the NetSuite approach or the Salesforce approach.
Salesforce has historically allowed customers to discount individual lines on the Opportunity/Quote/Order. With this approach, each line can have a different discount or no discount at all. Here's a typical screenshot of Salesforce's Line Item Discounting:

You'll also notice that there is no Opportunity-Level discount. Each discount is associated with a single line.
Netsuite takes a very different approach to discounting. NetSuite has two levels of discounting, at the Object level and a rather unique approach to Line Item discounting that adds additional lines representing each line's discount.
Here's how NetSuite approaches discounting an entire Sales Order. This would also apply to Invoices, Estimates, etc. in NetSuite.

If you want to have different amounts on each line item in Salesforce, then NetSuite's approach here is unlikely to be easily implemented.
We support this approach from Salesforce in Custom Guided Wizard and Global API. Ex: Check the available fields for the Sales Order's Transaction Level in Button URL and Global API
Whereas Salesforce modifies the price of a line by adding a discount, NetSuite adds an additional line representing the discount. So if you had 3 Lines on your Salesforce Opportunity each with a discount, and wanted to create an equivalent Sales Order, you would need 6 lines on the NetSuite Sales Order.

We also support adding discount line items from Salesforce in Custom Guided Wizard and Global API. The current drawback in Custom Guided Wizard is that we do not support the rate to be entered in percentage (%), so the only way to achieve this is by populating the calculated amount.
Whether or not you use Breadwinner, if you want to offer discounts to your customers, you will have to determine which approach works best for your company.