Initial Configuration
Congratulations, you've installed Breadwinner for NetSuite! Let's now get it configured.
Be sure that Breadwinner is connected to NetSuite as shown on the Breadwinner for NetSuite setup page.

As soon as the NetSuite connection is made, Breadwinner will begin importing data from NetSuite. This includes values that will be used during setup, such as Subsidiaries which are used to define what transaction data is imported to Salesforce regularly. It may take a few minutes to retrieve this information from NetSuite completely. Be patient as we will need for these to have completely loaded prior to fully setting up.

Once import has finished as indicated in the Import Progress proceed by clicking Modify NetSuite Object Sync Settings in the Breadwinner for NetSuite Setup page:

The NetSuite Object Sync Configuration page is where you will define
- Which sets of transaction records (objects) will be retrieved into Salesforce
- Which Subsidiaries and their objects will be retrieved into Salesforce
- Control Auto-Creation and Auto-Sync of Salesforce Products from NetSuite Items
- Control Auto-Matching of Netsuite Companies to Salesforce Accounts
- Control Auto-Creation of Salesforce Accounts from NetSuite Companies

Selecting items in the NetSuite Org Wide Configuration area (upper section) of the config page will control all data and subsidiary selections in the lower section, and multiple objects where indicated by ?. These objects may or may not be shown as Tabs in the Breadwinner for NetSuite salesforce app. However they ARE available in Salesforce Setup, Object Manager.
Auto-Create and Auto-Sync Salesforce Products from NetSuite Items (Org Wide)
Breadwinner can automatically create Salesforce Products from your NetSuite Items.
- All Items
- All NetSuite Items on initial sync will be automatically (re)created as Products in Salesforce, and added to the Standard Pricebook. Any new NetSuite items created will also sync and be created as products in Salesforce.
- Active Items
- Only Active NetSuite Items on initial sync will be automatically (re)created as Products in Salesforce, and added to the Standard Pricebook. Any new NetSuite items created will also sync and be created as products in Salesforce.
- *Do Not Create
- NetSuite Items will sync to Salesforce, but will not automatically create products.
*By default "Do Not Create" is selected, however you may wish to change this to other values as per your buniness need during Initial Sync to control behavior. If you already have corresponding Salesforce Products to your NetSuite Items this process may create unintended duplicates or unwanted product records in Salesforce. Should you wish to use the automatic product creation feature in the future for new items, select "Do Not Create" now during initial sync, and return to select All Items or Active Items after the initial sync has fully completed.
This controls Salesforce Product creation, however import of NetSuite Items to Salesforce is selected using the Items checkbox. These items will be created and updated on the NetSuite Items object, unless the Items checkbox is turned off.

Auto-Match NetSuite Companies to Salesforce Accounts (Subsidiary Wide)
Breadwinner can automatically Match NetSuite Customers/Vendors from your Salesforce Account
- Active Companies
- All Companies
- New Customer and Vendor records in Netsuite will be matched to Salesforce Accounts
- Only Active Customers
- Only Customers
- Both Active and Inactive NetSuite Customers will be matched to Salesforce Accounts
- Only Active Vendors
- Only Vendors
- Both Active and Inactive NetSuite Vendors will be matched to Salesforce Accounts
- *Do Not Match Accounts
*By default "Do Not Match Accounts" is selected, however you may wish to change this to other values during Initial Sync to control behavior. If you already have corresponding Salesforce Accounts to your NetSuite Customers or Vendors then this process may match those accounts with the corresponding NetSuite Customers and Vendors. Should you wish to use the automatic account Match feature in the future for new customers or vendors, select "Do Not Match Accounts" now during initial sync, and return to make the desired selection after the initial sync has fully completed.
This controls Salesforce Account creation, however import of NetSuite Customers and Vendors to Salesforce is selected using the Companies checkbox. These customers and vendors will be created and updated on the NetSuite Companies object, unless the Companies checkbox is turned off. This checkbox is available in the Org Wide and Subsidiary Wide sections.

Auto-Create Salesforce Accounts from New NetSuite Companies (Subsidiary Wide)
Breadwinner can automatically create Salesforce Accounts from your NetSuite Customers/Vendors
- Active Companies
- All Companies
- New Customer and Vendor records in Netsuite will create Salesforce Accounts
- Only Active Customers
- Only Customers
- Both Active and Inactive NetSuite Customers will create Salesforce Accounts
- Only Active Vendors
- Only Vendors
- Both Active and Inactive NetSuite Vendors will create Salesforce Accounts
- *Do Not Create Accounts
*By default "Do Not Create Accounts" is selected, however you may wish to change this to other values during Initial Sync to control behavior. If you already have corresponding Salesforce Accounts to your NetSuite Customers or Vendors this process may create unintended duplicates or unwanted account records in Salesforce. Should you wish to use the automatic account creation feature in the future for new customers or vendors, select "Do Not Create Accounts" now during initial sync, and return to make the desired selection after the initial sync has fully completed.
This controls Salesforce Account creation, however import of NetSuite Customers and Vendors to Salesforce is selected using the Companies checkbox. These customers and vendors will be created and updated on the NetSuite Companies object, unless the Companies checkbox is turned off. This checkbox is available in the Org Wide and Subsidiary Wide sections.

NetSuite Org Wide Configuration settings checkboxes:
- Employees
- Items
- Item Prices
- Price Overrides
- Prices & Price Levels
- Inventory Locations
- CustomersVendors
- Contacts
- All contacts regardless of company association
- Purchase Orders
- Estimates & Sales Orders
- Estimates
- Sales Orders
- Fulfillments & Packages
- Fulfillments
- Packages
- Accounts Receivable
- Invoices
- Payments
- Credit Memos
- Cash Sales
- Cash Refunds
- Accounts Payable
- Vendor Bills
- Credits
- Payments (Payee can be Vendor or Employee)
- Checks
NetSuite Subsidiary Wide Configuration settings checkboxes:
- Subsidiary
- When checked, the subsidiary is imported to Salesforce and synced regularly.
- When unchecked, the subsidiary is not imported or synced. If this was previously checked, and now unchecked, unwanted subsidiary data will be flushed during Breadwinner's weekend housekeeping sync.
- All other checkboxes correspond to the org-wide configurations above. However, they are on a per-subsidiary basis and correspond to the subsidiary indicated on the far left of the matrix grid.
Once you have configured the settings mentioned above, the next step is to sync the data from NetSuite to Salesforce. This can be done by clicking on the "Start Syncing NetSuite Objects" button on the Breadwinner Setup page, which will begin the initial sync in the background. It will start syncing data from NetSuite for the objects that have been configured, and it may take a few hours or even days to fetch and sync all the historical data.