Getting Started
App Installation
Scratch Org Installation
Scratch Org installation, although will follow the same process as a production installation, may need some extra steps to get started. Note* this is a function of Salesforce's app installation process and may change in time. Reach out to Breadwinner to get the current direct installation link as you will need it for this guide.
Scratch Orgs are an oddity in that they are treated as Production rather than Test (sandbox) orgs. This sometimes is problematic in that during trailhead app installation, you are asked to login to either production or test accounts. Also they don't use production or test direct links.
An efficient method to get installed in a scratch org is:
- Logout of all salesforce environments and trailhead. Quit and relaunch your browser. This will clear any cached logins.

- In a separate browser tab, open your scratch org. You will need to get the URL for this scratch org such as:

- Construct a new Direct App Install link by combining the first part of the scratch org's URL with the package install section of the direct link: Direct Link: Package install section of the link: [ /packaging/installPackage.apexp?p0=04t0000000000E9 ] Combined New Link, for your scratch org would be:
- Now from the browser tab with your scratch org, just paste in the URL you've constructed. You will be presented with either the login page, where you will login with your scratch-org login, or the app installation page. If you're given the selection how to install Breadwinner's app, you've successfully gotten to the correct place.

- When given this choice, select "Install for Admins Only". Go ahead and complete the rest of the app install steps, which are documented in the App Installation guide if needed.
Updated 20 Oct 2023
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