Custom Guided Wizard

Button URL Structure


Using the below steps, you can create a Custom Button on the Breadwinners Invoice Object, which will allow you to raise/create the Invoice/Bill/PO from the Object you have chosen.

Conventions in this Document

In the URL below, the left side of the equation is our field, and the right side of the equation (after the '=' sign) is for you to populate based on the API names in your Salesforce org. For instance, if you see

Button URL

Then your formula would include &parent_account=, but the api_field_name__c would be replaced by the API name of the field in your Salesforce org.

Ease of Use Tip

We have made a Custom Guided Wizard to help you create the Xero records. To view this, simply make a button with the text below, quick-save it, add it to the originating objects Invoice Related List page layout, and click.

This button should be created on the Breadwinner's Invoice object (as a Button, not an Action or Link). We recommend the name of the button to be something like “New Xero Invoice from the [Something Object]”.

Button URL

Once created, the button should be displayed on the Page Layout of the Object in question (the one you wish to create Invoices from), on the Invoices related list on that object. (in the page layout for that object, click the wrench on the related list, and then click Buttons to change the buttons on the related list). This is also the time to remove the standard New button by unchecking it, as the standard New button won’t work on Custom Objects.

URL Formula

The Button URL Generator will give you the formula you need. However, you may wish to further modify the URL, or just understand it further

Also, you can create multiple buttons per object, with different formulas to be allowed Invoices to be populated in different ways from different fields When creating formulas in Salesforce, you can create a formula over many lines, separated by a new line for readability.

Button on Invoices Related list:

You can create a button on the Breadwinner Invoice object itself, as a List Button (without multi- checkboxes). After creating it, you will need to display it on the related list of the originating object’s page layout. A long, descriptive name, such as “New Invoice from XXXX” These buttons will be added to the Page Layout of the originating object, by clicking the wrench/spanner on the Invoices related list

Button or Link on Originating Object

You can also create the button, or link, on the originating object. This can be added directly to the detail page layout of the originating object. However, this can cause slight usability issues, which is why we recommend the button go on the Invoices related list.

URL Structure

The URL will always start with a specific line, and contain at minimum two elements, specifying the originating record (originating_record), and the associated Salesforce Account (parent_account). These three lines are required for every Invoice created using the Custom Guided Wizard module.

Button URL

Please note that the only field that should contain a Salesforce ID is the originating record field. Additionally, this is the only field that will contain brackets, {}. All other fields will contain the API name of the field, without brackets. The API name is easiest copied from the Salesforce Setup (or Object Manager) page showing all the fields on the originating object.


While building the URL, we recommend using a suffix &testing=true to look at our testing page. You can temporarily build this into the URL formula, or append it to the URL after you click on the New Invoice button. This testing page will display the API names you have passed and the corresponding values Breadwinner retrieved based on the API names. It acts as a preview page and is visible only when testing is set to true (testing=true).

Button URL